1. Sun H., Edziah B K., Sun C., Kporsu A K. Institutional quality, green innovation and energy efficiency, Energy policy, 135,111002, 2019. 第一作者
2. Sun H., Edziah B K., Kporsu A.K., Sarkodie S A., Taghizadeh-Hesary F. Energy efficiency: The role of technological innovation and knowledge spillover,Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 167: 120659, 2021. 第一作者
3. Sun H., Edziah B K., Sun C., Kporsu A K., Institutional quality and its spatial spillover effects on energy efficiency, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 83: 101023 , 2022. 第一作者
4. Sun, H., Samuel, C.A, Amissah, JCK, Taghizadeh-Hesary, F., Mensah, IA., 2020. Non-linear nexus between CO2 emissions and economic growth: A comparison of OECD and B&R countries, Energy, 212, 118637. 第一作者
5.Liu, F., Sim, J. Y., Sun, H., Edziah, B. K., Adom, P. K., Song, S. Assessing the role of economic globalization on energy efficiency: Evidence from a global perspective. China Economic Review, 77:101897, 2023. 通讯作者
6. Liu, Y., Sun, H., Meng, B., Jin, S., Chen, B. How to purchase carbon emission right optimally for energy-consuming enterprises? Analysis based on optimal stopping model. Energy Economics, 124: 106758, 2023. 通讯作者
7. Liu Y., Lu X., Sun, H., Chen B., Wang L. Optimization of carbon performance evaluation and its application to strategy decision for investment of green technology innovation. Journal of Environmental Management, 116593, 2023. 通讯作者
8.Edziah B K., Sun H., Adom P K., Wang F., Agyemang A O. The role of exogenous technological factors and renewable energy in carbon dioxide emission reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa, Renewable Energy, 196: 1418–1428, 2022. 通讯作者
9. Muganyi T., Yan L., Yin Y., Sun H., Gong X., Taghizadeh-Hesary F. Fintech, regtech and financial development: evidence from China. Financial Innovation. 8(29),2022. 通讯作者
10.孙华平,杜秀梅. 全球价值链嵌入程度及地位对产业碳生产率的影响,《中国人口·资源与环境》2020年第7期. 第一作者